Noah Slade Cosimano

Emotion, Values, Creative. Win Elections.
Political Campaign Strategy, Public Affairs Communications.
About Noah
For a decade, Noah has worked in every level of politics-- from local and county, to state and national campaigns.
It started when he joined a small group of community activists who successfully lobbied his town into signing a climate pledge. He was then asked to run a local campaign for Town Justice. And eventually he ended up as a legislative aide in the county legislature where he helped ban conversion therapy... all before college.
In 2017, Noah moved to Atlanta, GA to attend Emory University where he worked for years with Dr. Drew Westen (author of ‘The Political Brain’) on research surrounding the role of emotions and values in political advertising and messaging, and their positive affects on electoral outcomes. And he was also asked to lecture for five weeks on effective political advertising for a course on American culture and advertising.
While in Atlanta, Noah served as a research assistant at Lexicon Strategies where he aided in the development and implementation of effective public affairs campaigns for organizations and companies as diverse as The American Cancer Society, Delta Airlines, CIM Group, American Medical Response, and Integral Group.
In January of 2020, Noah joined the Georgia House Democratic Caucus (GHDC) as a senior advisor to Leader James Beverly, and in 2021 Noah was tasked with rolling out the caucus’s agenda for the new legislative session as the Interim Communications Director. During his tenure at the GHDC, Noah coordinated an update of the inter - organizational communications of the caucus and developed a values - based, unified communications strategy that would synchronize activity across all social media and the website, as well as improve the aesthetic of the caucus's brand. In its first weeks, Noah's plan provided for a 33,000%+ increase in activity on Instagram. Facebook activity also saw analytic increases of over 200% across all metrics during most weeks.
Noah left the GHDC in 2021 to take care of his father in Buffalo, NY. While there he was the media consultant for Mayor Byron Brown's reelection campaign.
Noah was then hired as the Post Production Manager for Putnam Partners in January of 2022. In his role, Noah oversaw the production of the 400+ ads made by the firm in the 2022 mid-term cycle from shoot wrap to ad ship. Skilled in Adobe Premiere, Noah was also tasked with editing b-roll string outs for various clients. Noah also helped to lead efforts pitching the Georgia Blue PAC and We Mean Business Coalition. Noah also worked ably in the edit suite, even producing a self - negative ad test so good that it beat all contending ads.
Most recently Noah joined the Biden and Harris presidential campaigns as the Senior Video Producer for paid media where he wrote, edited, directed, and/or produced over 100 videos for the historic campaigns.
Noah currently lives in Washington, DC with his Boston Terrier, Eleanor, where he watches his Buffalo Bills religiously and enjoys going to Nats and Caps games.

"Big-time campaign consultant"... whose work "reflects strength and confidence."
- The Buffalo News
"Through his extensive knowledge of campaign dialogue and tech savvy, Noah has been an invaluable asset."
- Leader James Beverly

Experience is key.
A decade of political
communications & policy
Senior Video Producer, Biden for President/Harris for President
May, 2024 - November, 2023
Senior Associate, Ampersand Strategies
March, 2023 - October, 2023
Post Production Manager, Putnam Partners
January, 2022 - January, 2023
Interim Communications Director, Georgia House Democratic Caucus
January, 2021 - March, 2021
Senior Communications Advisor, Ga. House Caucus Chair James Beverly
February, 2020 - January, 2021
Research Assistant, Lexicon Strategies
May, 2018 - August, 2019
Legislative Aide, Erie County Leg. Pat Burke
June, 2016 - May, 2017
Campaign Manager, James Granville for Town Justice
June, 2015 - September, 2015